Restore Truth Conference 2025:
The Storm is Here
About the conference text
About the Speakers
We are blessed and excited to welcome four speakers!
Fr. Ripperger
Hugh Owen
Robert Sugenis
Ademar Rakowski
Fr. Ripperger
Fr. Chad Ripperger was born and raised in Casper, WY. He has Bachelor’s degrees in both Theology and Philosophy from the University of San Francisco. He then earned a Masters in Philosophy at the Center for Thomistic Studies at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. While in seminary he completed a Masters in Theology at Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut. He was sent to Rome to complete his Doctorate in Philosophy at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. Upon ordination in 1997 with the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, he spent time at a parish in Omaha, Nebraska and then was assigned to a teaching position in St. Gregory the Great Seminary in Seward, Nebraska where he taught for 4 years. He also taught for 6 years at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Nebraska. Subsequently, he spent 3 years at a parish in Idaho.
He is now the Superior of a Society that he founded called The Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother. They are also known as the Doloran Fathers.
Fr. Ripperger is a leading expert in spiritual warfare and exorcism with many published works including Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity, Metaphysics of Evolution, The Principle of the Integral Good… and his latest book, Dominion: The Nature of Diabolic Warfare.
You can find these books and many others of his at his website:
You will also see him frequently interviewed on many Catholic podcasts and video channels such as Sensus Fidelium. He is often quoted throughout Catholic Media.
He is a highly sought-after speaker and lecturer, while his education and years of diverse experience give his presentations a wealth of informative insights into the Catholic Faith and Tradition.
We are very grateful to have him here this weekend. Welcome back to Wisconsin, Fr. Ripperger.
Hugh Owen
Hugh Owen is the convert son of Sir David Owen, a former secretary general of International Planned Parenthood Federation. Mr. Owen directs the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation which provides a forum for Catholic theologians, philosophers, and natural scientists all over the world who defend the traditional Catholic doctrine of creation that was handed down from the Apostles and who are dedicated to making sure that the evidence for and against the evolutionary hypothesis is made available to Church leaders and to the lay faithful. Mr. Owen and his colleagues have participated in conferences on creation and evolution at major academic centers in Europe, including several conferences in Rome and a conference at Gustav Siewerth Akademie in Germany which received the explicit blessing and encouragement of Pope Benedict XVI. He is a member of the recently-founded John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family. He and his wife Maria have nine children, including one who is a novice with the Benedictines of Mary, and 20 grandchildren (so far!). They live in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, near Mt. Jackson, Virginia.
Robert Sungenis
Robert Sungenis, PhD, has been an independent Catholic theologian and apologist for the last 30 years. His expertise is in biblical studies, theology, apologetics and cosmological science. He directs Catholic Apologetics International Publishing, Inc., for whom he has written over 40 books and hundreds of articles; as well as participated in over 40 formal debates to teach and defend the Catholic faith. He has appeared on various television and radio programs such as EWTN, CNN, the BBC, the Christian Broadcasting Network, and presently holds a two-hour talk show each Wednesday for Holy Faith Media. He was the Chairman of Stellar Motion Pictures, LLC in Hollywood, California, which produced the feature documentary film, The Principle, which debuted in 2014 in AMC and Regal theaters across the US. Robert is also the writer for the 7-part DVD series titled, How The World Was Made in Six Day, as well as the DVD titled, Journey to the Center of the Universe. All materials are available at the websites: and Robert holds a bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees in religious studies. He lives with his wife, Maureen, and their 11 children in Pennsylvania.
Ademar Rakowsky
Ademar Rakowsky is the son of ethnically-Ukrainian World War Two refugees from Ukraine. Born and raised in Philadelphia, PA, but now a nearly-twenty-year Ohioan, he grew up bilingual and bicultural, learning to think outside the box because of his interior efforts to integrate desirable elements of two disparate cultures and mentalities into a coherent whole in accord with the Gospel.
He has a Bachelors each in Geology and Physics from LaSalle University (then College) in Philadelphia, PA, a Masters in Meteorology from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and a Sacred Theology Bachelors and a Sacred Theology Licentiate from the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, a very Thomistic school.
Over the decades, he's worked as an educator, focusing on Catholic schools at the college, high school, and elementary school levels, at times the instructional language being Ukrainian, including having devoted his educational energies for a couple of years to a local Traditional Catholic homeschooling co-op in the Columbus, OH Metro.
Besides caring for his infirm elderly Mother, he works for the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation, and, until a couple of years ago, did seasonal landscaping, specializing in poison ivy removal.
He started abandoning the evolution paradigm decades ago when noticing stalactites growing on a century-old railroad bridge in his Philly neighborhood, but could not interiorly form a coherent Creationist paradigm until a detailed learning of Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory, which provides a comprehensive explanation of the many diverse geological phenomena that Ademar keenly observes.